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Why I love Nendoroids!

I never got tired of my Nendoroids, I just change their faceplates and i see something new again. Nendoroids have inspired me to create and start photography. It's such a refreshing and fun hobby for me. Whenever I'm so stressed with work or had a bad day, I just take out my nendoroids and start thinking of ways to make them look alive, and they make my day once again! They're like babies!!! They never fail to make me smile with all those expressions and versatility!

Another thing that makes Nendoroid fun is that it's so easy to find and create miniatures for them, almost everything fits since they're more like a super deformed sized and isn't stuck at 1:12. They can be enjoyed with other type of figures. So, even if you are collecting a different line of figures, nendoroids will still fit the picture. :)

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